With a refined and original orbit structure, St. Mary’s Group of Schools have pledged and promised the prominent progress of the children, who will turn into luminaries in their chosen dominion and arena. A precise and perfect blend of oriental and occidental educational theories and formulae, we believe the revival and replenishment of vital empowering of the whole world by bringing up a future generation who will be reverent and respectful and completely brimming with effective effulgence.
The inquisitiveness and acquisitiveness of the children are discerned through an accurate and attentive procedure to achieve a ‘Trans-national’ and ‘Trans-personal’ qualities.
The magnificence of munificence and the soundness of simplicity are implemented on the children to grow them with emotional equilibrium. Sangfroid alone leads a child to transform him to an individual of distinction with polite and polished perceptions.
Ethics and righteousness is strictly enforced to attain an elegant and educated status of the children. St. Marian’s are brought up with a dynamic acceleration in their academic as well as moralistic drive and urge. To congregate and converge their intuitions and ideas, we nurture them from the track of a toddler to a towering image, setting aside the chances of probability and possibility. We explore the penchant and propensity of the children. We tend them to pursue their goals and reach the destinations safely.
The concept of education of St. Mary’s is not just rendering the lessons and preparing the children to counter tough examinations and interviews. We don’t believe in structuring the world in which, only the prodigies and intellectuals can rule and relish the amenities in a hierarchy or ranking. We raise eternal generations with selflessness and magnanimity, who will be directing and navigating the world to the true haven of compassion, impeccableness, attachment and integrity.
In a pressureless, stressless and strainless atmosphere, every St. Marian would become a superior personality, who will be remembered for his remarkable attitude and deliberation. Here, the children are acclimatized to the concept ‘School is my first home’, that they follow with adherence. The education of St. Mary’s is an exhilarating and endless excursion full of activities and learning.